Job Interviews: Confidence When It Matters Most
By Dr Denis McBrinn It’s only natural to feel nervous during a job interview, but part of performing well is not letting your anxiety show. This audio single will bring advice and practical techniques to help you to do your best when it matters most.
This audio single contains two major sections: Job Interviews: Confidence when it matters most, and Confidence at Work. First Job Interviews: It’s only natural to feel nervous during a job interview, but part of performing well is not letting your anxiety show. Your goal is to make a good impression from the start, which means appearing confident to those evaluating you. If you show a lack of confidence, you probably won’t be considered as a serious candidate for the job. One of the best ways to appear confident is to demonstrate how well you perform under pressure. This audio will help you to do just that and provide you with tips on preparation, communication, body language, questions to expect and how to dress..
Second Confidence at Work: So you are successful at the job interview and get the job. We all know it’s important to at least appear confident at work. Because the way you present yourself in the workplace is pivotal to your success, you want to present the most confident version of yourself at work. Essentially being confident in your professional life centres around looking the part; feeling at ease with yourself and others; being cooperative and pleasant to work with. Confidence at work is being open, honest and straightforward with colleagues, clients and customers; having a sense of humour and being very good at what you do. Denis McBrinn takes you through a conversation about how you can build your confidence at work.
How this short audio learning experience works:
This audio presentation has been designed using an experiential learning model, Kolb, D. A. (1984): concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation.
By taking this approach we hope to cater for all learning styles.
You will be given specific new information in the recording usually as “key tips”, “explanations” and “quotes”. You will be led through a gentle but positive meditative reflection process to assist you before conceptualisation and then putting your new skills into practice.
You will be encouraged to return to the recording from time to time to re-listen and reinforce your learning and the desired changes in your life.