Audiobook: Meditation for Leaders: DEEP RESTFUL SLEEP
Meditation for Leaders: Deep Restful Sleep
This audiobook features a full meditation experience written by Virginia Harton and narrated by Sara Dylan.
Whether you lead as a start-up entrepreneur, FTSE board member, director in the public sector or a CEO of a multinational organisation, I am sure you will be familiar with the difficulties in settling down to sleep after a busy with many thoughts racing through your mind.
This audio presentation will take you gently into a deep restful sleep under the guidance of Sara Dylan. Sara’s soft, kind, reassuring voice will lead you step by step into the safe, comfortable mind-set that will be conducive to achieving deep restful sleep.
Having discussed possible causes for your insomnia with your doctor and addressed these causes with treatments this meditation will assist in your efforts to achieve a true experience of deep restful sleep.